We wish to announce that Arise Chief Executive Officer, Deepak Malik will be concluding his tenure at Arise on 31 December 2021.
Mr Malik, who was instrumental in the formation of Arise leaves a considerable legacy characterised by strong leadership and a solid investment foundation for Arise to advance financial inclusion in Africa. Under his leadership in just five years Arise has made significant strides in terms of delivering on its mission of contributing to a sustainable financial services sector on the African continent through partnering with local financial service providers to grow the economy.
“On behalf of the board I wish to thank Deepak for his invaluable contribution to Arise over the last five years. Despite the unique challenges Africa poses and challenging economic conditions across the continent, with Deepak at the helm Arise has managed to grow its investment portfolio and support its existing partner banks to advance financial inclusion and economic growth in their respective countries”, said Arise Supervisory Board Chairperson, Mr Nhlanhla Nene.
“Deepak has left a legacy that is characterised by an unwavering commitment to always striving for excellence and leaves behind a great team that will take Arise to even greater heights. We are incredibly grateful for the leadership, vision, passion and energy that he has dedicated to the organisation and the staff of Arise. We would like to once again thank him for everything he has done and wish him great success going forward”, concluded Mr Nene.
His successor will be duly announced.