
Aug 10, 2023

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Rabo Partnerships recently hosted its 2023 edition of the Future Leadership Program

Rabo Partnerships recently hosted its 2023 edition of the Future Leadership Program. This eight-week training program is aimed at developing banking professionals from the organisations’ partner institutions in Africa and Latin America.

This was the 11th consecutive year that this program was hosted and 16 inspiring future leaders from 11 countries from Africa and Latin America from Rabo Partnerships’ partner institutions travelled to  Rabobank in Utrecht to strengthen their professional banking and strategic skills in an international environment.

During the first week of the program, the participants familiarized themselves with the structure and culture of the bank, and for the subsequent seven weeks, they have been tapping into the knowledge and expertise that the bank has to offer. Each week of the program focused on a different strategic topic, ranging from finance & risk through food & agri to data, IT, digital, and innovation.

“This program is an excellent initiative, and quite frankly, one of the best experiences that I’ve ever been able to participate in. First of all, I would like to congratulate Rabobank, Rabo Partnerships, and the entire team behind this program for the initiative and the appeal for its continuity”, said  Mr Carlos Vasco, one of the participants from Moza Banco in Mozambique. “The most interesting part so far is the fact that the program keeps challenging us, taking us out of our comfort zone. Most of the participants work in areas that are not directly linked to cooperative banking, credit analysis, or agriculture financing, and yet, because the program is so well thought out and designed, it manages to involve us and make us feel like a part of these areas”, he highlighted.

Ashley Fushai, Chief Risk Officer at NMB Bank in Tanzania. who also participated in the program commended Rabobank Partnerships for this initiative. ” Wow, the programme was absolutely a unique point, where you had to learn from the best in Rabobank and also your fellow participants. So many things are going on, you really have to learn fast. You have to empty your head and observe as much as possible. I would definitely recommend this program, which will get you out of your comfort zone and help your  find  new creative solutions in your daily work”, he said.

According to David Gerbrands Global Head of Advisory & Inclusive Business Ventures at Rabo Partnerships more than  150  Rabobank and Rabo Partnerships employees participated in this program. “We are confident that the program has equipped participants with a transformative experience that will enable them to make significant contributions to their organizations and communities. This program shows the power that lies in crafting partnerships worldwide”, he concluded.

For more information on Rabobank visit www.rabobank.com

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